5 to 12 Years

Children progress at different rates. They have different interests, abilities, and personalities. However there are some common milestones many children reach from ages 5 to 12, you will notice them developing new and exciting abilities. Healthy eating and physical activity should occur in as many ways as possible, these include active play, organised and non-organised sports, games. This is in addition to the routine activities accumulated during daily living. We have a team of personal trainers who specialise in child development who can assist in encouraging activities for all ages as a healthy lifestyle starting now can bring benefits to your child’s health in the future. What’s App “The Lifestyle Coach” for more information
Parents seeking advice about healthy habits that can be implemented from now, such as addiction to gaming, preventing obesity and assist with general wellbeing and combating health issues relating to being unhealthy from a young age. What’s App “The Teacher”
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